
All Writeme features

Common Markdown

All basic features available in Markdown.


  • I'm a link
  • I'm a bold text
  • I'm a italic text
  • Bold + Italic
  • Strike
  • Inline code

Horizontal line



Ordered list

  1. List
  2. With
  3. Numbers

To-Do List

You can create a simple todo list

  • Task pending
  • Task completed


You can use > to quote someone

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving - Albert Eistein


Here is an example Simple image, without title

Here is an example Image using html title

An old rock in the desert Image using link

Extended syntax

Advanced features of markdown, using extended syntax + Github Flavored Markdown




Here's a simple footnote1. Click and go to the definition.

Emojis 😄

Support emojis using remark-gemoji. You can view the Emoji CheatSheet or in Emojipedia. Note: not all emojis are supported

😄 😆 😊 😃 😏 😍 😘 😚 😳 😌 😁 😉 😜 😝 👽 ♍ 👻

There's no place like 🏠


  • Javascript expressions: {6 * Math.PI} === 18.84955592153876
  • Comments like in a React app


Support tabs with MDX or using comment with {/* |tabs */} to open and {/* /tabs */} to close. In comment mode, you can pass the default tab after |tabs, just like this {/* |tabs your-id */}

This is second tab content

How Tab titles work?

Titles inside tabs comments aren't displayed in <TableOfContent /> component. You can see the title of this section, because the title is out of <Tabs/> comments.


Use Sandpack playground to run Javascript/Typescrit code using your favorite template

export default function App(): JSX.Element {
  return <h1>Hello World</h1>

Http Request

Focus in web API docs, this component receive a curl or http command and transform in amazing HTTP Request visualizer. Create a code mark with bash language and pass type=request or just paste your code with curl or http at the beginning of the command.

Copy to clipboard
1```bash type=request
2curl -X POST "{{host}}/api/test" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"write@me.com"}'

Request to another domain

GET https://api.postmon.com.br/v1/cep/55641715


No response. Click in Request API to view your response

Open Graph

Writeme can understand Open Graph Protocol or OGP and show an amazing banner of link.

Tested only for YouTube and GitHub for now

Just paste the link of your YouTube video

Or your GitHub repository


  1. This is the first footnote.